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Using Neural Networks for Forecasting of Commodity Time Series Trends., , and . DNIS, volume 7813 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 95-102. Springer, (2013)The non-destructive investigation of a late antique knob bow fibula (Bügelknopffibel) from Kaiseraugst/CH using Muon Induced X-ray Emission (MIXE), , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). Heritage Science, (March 2023)Cache Effect of Shared DNS Resolver., , and . IEICE Trans. Commun., 102-B (6): 1170-1179 (2019)Benefit of third-party name server operations in DNS configuration., , , and . COMPSAC, page 1032-1037. IEEE, (2022)SAGE and Its Application to Inter-company EC., , , , and . PAAM, page 123-136. Practical Application Company Ltd., (1998)A Traffic Analysis Using Cardinalities and Header Information., , , , and . ICNC, page 55-62. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)An Access Control Model for Web-Services That Supports Delegation and Creation of Authority., , , and . ICN, page 213-222. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Collaboration by passing access rights for personal protected Web resources., , and . CollaborateCom, page 1-10. ICST / IEEE, (2010)An agent-based system for electronic commerce using recipes., , , , , and . ICPADS Workshops, page 399-405. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Cache Effect of Shared DNS Resolver., , and . COMPSAC (1), page 511-516. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)