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Organizational decision-making quality and the severity of the free-riding problem, и . Economics Letters, 23 (4): 335--339 (1987)Inequality and informality, и . Journal of Public Economics, 91 (1-2): 159--179 (февраля 2007)Voting on meritocracy. European Economic Review, 48 (4): 797--803 (августа 2004)Firm-Level Determinants of Political Influence, и . Economics & Politics, (2009)An economic rationale for public education: The value of commitment. Journal of Monetary Economics, 45 (2): 463--474 (апреля 2000)Optimal taxation and fiscal constitution. Journal of Public Economics, 72 (3): 471--485 (июня 1999)Does Liberte = Egalite?: A Survey of the Empirical Links between Democracy and Inequality with Some Evidence on the Transition Economies, и . Journal of Economic Surveys, 18 (4): 515--537 (245 09 2004)doi: 10.1111/j.0950-0804.2004.00229.x.Political bargaining in a federation: Buchanan meets Coase. European Economic Review, 48 (5): 983--999 (октября 2004)The melting pot and school choice, и . Journal of Public Economics, 89 (5-6): 871--896 (июня 2005)Aging population and education finance, и . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (12): 2469--2485 (декабря 2004)