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Pareto optimization for MIMO interference channel., , и . PIMRC, стр. 433-437. IEEE, (2014)Utility maximization and admission control for multiple-stream MIMO cognitive radio network., и . ICCS, стр. 72-76. IEEE, (2014)Degrees of freedom region of MIMO interference channel with imperfect current and delayed CSIT., , и . WCNC, стр. 863-868. IEEE, (2014)SINR-interference tradeoff beamforming for MISO cognitive radio network., и . IWCMC, стр. 1494-1498. IEEE, (2013)Beamforming Design for Full-Duplex Cellular and Mimo Radar Coexistence: A Rate Maximization Approach., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 3384-3388. IEEE, (2018)A scalable performance-complexity tradeoff for vector precoding by partial perturbation., , и . SPAWC, стр. 575-579. IEEE, (2015)Ergodic sum rate analysis of K fading MIMO channels with linear MMSE receiver., , и . IWCMC, стр. 1499-1503. IEEE, (2013)On user selection in cognitive broadcast channels., и . WCSP, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2012)Transceiver design of optimum wirelessly powered full-duplex MIMO interference channel., , , , и . SPAWC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Robust utility scheme with admission control over MIMO cognitive radio network., и . ICC Workshops, стр. 332-336. IEEE, (2013)