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Detection of Defective Media in Disks., , и . DFT, стр. 49-55. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Design of a Low-Power Non-Volatile Programmable Inverter Cell for COGRE-based Circuits., , , и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 11-16. ACM, (2017)Approaches for the repair of VLSI/WSI RRAMs by row/column deletion., и . FTCS, стр. 342-347. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)A hybrid non-volatile SRAM cell with concurrent SEU detection and correction., , и . DATE, стр. 1-4. European Design and Automation Association, (2014)A low-power, high-performance approximate multiplier with configurable partial error recovery., , и . DATE, стр. 1-4. European Design and Automation Association, (2014)Minimizing the cost of repairing WSI memories., и . Integr., 11 (3): 279-293 (1991)Multiple Error Detection in DNA Self-Assembly Using Coded Tiles., , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 57-II (9): 725-729 (2010)Result-Based Re-computation for Error-Tolerant Classification by a Support Vector Machine., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Artif. Intell., 1 (1): 62-73 (2020)A survey of approximate arithmetic circuits and blocks., , , и . it Inf. Technol., 64 (3): 79-87 (2022)Reliability and Criticality Analysis of Communication Networks by Stochastic Computation., , , и . IEEE Netw., 30 (6): 70-76 (2016)