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Making a Case for Proactive Flow Control in Optical Circuit-Switched Networks., , , , и . HiPC, том 5374 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 491-502. Springer, (2008)NUMA-aware I/O System Call Steering., и . CLUSTER, стр. 805-806. IEEE, (2021)Lightweight kernel-level primitives for high-performance MPI intra-node communication over multi-core systems., , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 446-451. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)NIC-based offload of dynamic user-defined modules for Myrinet clusters., , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 205-214. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)User-Level Network Protocol Stacks for Automotive Infotainment Systems., и . EUC, стр. 7-14. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Shared receive queue based scalable MPI design for InfiniBand clusters., , , и . IPDPS, IEEE, (2006)Design Alternatives and Performance Trade-Offs for Implementing MPI-2 over InfiniBand., , , и . PVM/MPI, том 3666 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 191-199. Springer, (2005)High performance MPI-2 one-sided communication over InfiniBand., , , , , и . CCGRID, стр. 531-538. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Designing Efficient Cooperative Caching Schemes for Multi-Tier Data-Centers over RDMA-enabled Networks., , , и . CCGRID, стр. 401-408. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Analysis and Enhancement of Pipelining the Protocol Overheads for a High Throughput., и . PDPTA, стр. 935-941. CSREA Press, (2003)