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Playing Äir Instruments": Mimicry of Sound-Producing Gestures by Novices and Experts., , and . Gesture Workshop, volume 3881 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 256-267. Springer, (2005)Developing the Dance Jockey System for Musical Interaction with the Xsens MVN Suit., , , and . NIME,, (2012)Panel: the Need of Formats for Streaming and Storing Music-Related movement and Gesture Data., , , , , , , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2007)The O in NIME: Reflecting on the Importance of Reusing and Repurposing Old Musical Instruments., , and . NIME,, (2023)Standstill to the 'beat': differences in involuntary movement responses to simple and complex rhythms., , and . Audio Mostly Conference, page 107-113. ACM, (2020)Representation Strategies in Two-handed Melodic Sound-Tracing., and . MOCO, page 11:1-11:4. ACM, (2017)Multimodal music datasets? Challenges and future goals in music processing., , and . Int. J. Multim. Inf. Retr., 13 (3): 37 (September 2024)A Discussion of Multidimensional Mapping in Nymophone2., and . NIME, page 94-97., (2009)Kinectofon: Performing with Shapes in Planes.. NIME, page 196-197., (2013)NIME and the Environment: Toward a More Sustainable NIME Practice., , , and . NIME,, (2021)