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Computing the integer partition function., , , , и . Math. Comput., 76 (259): 1619-1638 (2007)On the structure of a random sum-free set of positive integers.. Discret. Math., 190 (1-3): 247-257 (1998)Some Facts and Conjectures about Mandelbrot Polynomials., , и . Maple Trans., 1 (1): <ee></ee> (2021)Euler-Boole Summation Revisited., , и . The American Mathematical Monthly, 116 (5): 387-412 (2009)On Subgraph Sizes in Random Graphs., , и . Comb. Probab. Comput., (1992)A curious binomial identity.. Discret. Math., 131 (1-3): 335-337 (1994)Taking the Convoluted Out of Bernoulli Convolutions: A Discrete Approach., , , , , и . Integers, (2013)New Ramsey Bounds from Cyclic Graphs of Prime Order., , и . SIAM J. Discret. Math., 10 (3): 381-387 (1997)