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ECU interest rates and ECU basket adjustments: An arbitrage pricing approach

, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 16 (1): 137--153 (February 1992)

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ECU interest rates and ECU basket adjustments: An arbitrage pricing approach, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 16 (1): 137--153 (February 1992)ECU interest rates and ECU basket adjustments, and . Discussion paper / Sonderforschungsbereich 303 "Information und die Koordination Wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten", Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Univ., Sonderforschungsbereich 303, Bonn, (1989)The distributions that imply perfect option hedging. Discussion paper / Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Statistik der Universität Mannheim Univ., Inst. für Volkswirtschaftlehre und Statistik, Mannheim, (1987)Perfect option hedging and the hedge ratio. Economics Letters, 29 (3): 243--248 (1989)On complete securities markets and the martingale property of securities prices. Economics Letters, 31 (1): 37--41 (1989)Moment preferences and polynomial utility, and . Economics Letters, 23 (4): 349--353 (1987)