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On the scaling of polar codes: I. The behavior of polarized channels., и . ISIT, стр. 874-878. IEEE, (2010)Analysis of coupled scalar systems by displacement convexity., , , и . ISIT, стр. 2321-2325. IEEE, (2014)Permutation-based Decoding of Reed-Muller Codes in Binary Erasure Channel., и . ISIT, стр. 21-25. IEEE, (2019)Almost Optimal Scaling of Reed-Muller Codes on BEC and BSC Channels., , , , и . ISIT, стр. 311-315. IEEE, (2018)Universal rateless codes from coupled LT codes., и . ITW, стр. 277-281. IEEE, (2011)Time-invariant LDPC convolutional codes., , , и . ISIT, стр. 366-370. IEEE, (2017)Smoothed pseudo-Wigner distribution, Choi-Williams distribution, and cone-kernel representation: Ambiguity-domain analysis and experimental comparison., , , и . Signal Process., 43 (2): 149-168 (1995)Fixed Points and Stability of Density Evolution., и . Commun. Inf. Syst., 4 (1): 103-116 (2004)Breaking a Classical Barrier for Classifying Arbitrary Test Examples in the Quantum Model., , и . AISTATS, том 206 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 11457-11488. PMLR, (2023)Scaling exponent of list decoders with applications to polar codes., , и . ITW, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2013)