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An Accessible Platform for Exploring Haptic Interactions with Co-located Capacitive and Piezoresistive Sensors., and . TEI, page 317-320. ACM, (2015)Timbral Migration: Stochastic Processes for the Control of Smooth Spectral Transformation., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2009)Listener Evaluation of Reduction Strategies for Sinusoidal and Resonance Models., , and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2001)Preparation for Interactive Live Computer Performance in Collaboration with a Symphony Orchestra., , , und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2001)MAX Objects for Media Integration., , und . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (1991)Agile Interface Development using OSC Expressions and Process Migration., , und . NIME, Seite 347-351., (2013)Characterizing and Controlling Musical Material Intuitively with Geometric Models., und . NIME, Seite 54-62. Faculty of Music, McGill University, (2003)Hands On - A New Work from SLABS Controller and Generative Algorithms.. NIME, Seite 335., (2009)Multiple OAM Signal Recovery Using Pseudo- Doppler Technique with Two mm-Wave Receivers., , , , , , , und . ICC Workshops, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2021)Robust and Reliable Fabric, Piezoresistive Multitouch Sensing Surfaces for Musical Controllers., , , und . NIME, Seite 393-398., (2011)