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A Unified Framework for Structured Graph Learning via Spectral Constraints., , , и . CoRR, (2019)The Computation of the Capacity Region of the Discrete MAC is a Rank-One Non-Convex Optimization Problem., , , и . ISIT, стр. 2396-2400. IEEE, (2007)A multivariate generalization of Costa's entropy power inequality., и . ISIT, стр. 1088-1092. IEEE, (2008)Decomposition by partial linearization in multiuser systems., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 4424-4428. IEEE, (2013)Optimization Methods for Financial Index Tracking: From Theory to Practice., , и . Found. Trends Optim., 3 (3): 171-279 (2018)Mean-Reverting Portfolio With Budget Constraint., и . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 66 (9): 2342-2357 (2018)Learning Undirected Graphs in Financial Markets., и . ACSSC, стр. 741-745. IEEE, (2020)Sparse Reduced Rank Regression with Nonconvex Regularization., и . SSP, стр. 811-815. IEEE, (2018)Bipartite Structured Gaussian Graphical Modeling via Adjacency Spectral Priors., , , и . ACSSC, стр. 322-326. IEEE, (2019)Robust adaptive beamforming with imprecise steering vector and noise covariance matrix due to finite sample size., , , и . ICASSP, стр. 3786-3790. IEEE, (2013)