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Optimized Tiny Machine Learning and Explainable AI for Trustable and Energy-Efficient Fog-Enabled Healthcare Decision Support System., и . Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 17 (1): 229 (декабря 2024)Toward automatic quality detection of Jasmenum flower., и . ICT Express, 3 (3): 148-153 (2017)Dynamic Adaptive Self-Configurable Network Processor., , и . UIC/ATC Workshops, стр. 160-164. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Cloud computing-based computer forensics: a deep learning technique., , , и . Int. J. Electron. Secur. Digit. Forensics, 16 (3): 317-328 (2024)CyberDefender: an integrated intelligent defense framework for digital-twin-based industrial cyber-physical systems., , , и . Clust. Comput., 27 (6): 7273-7306 (сентября 2024)Faculty rating system based on student feedbacks using sentimental analysis., , и . ICACCI, стр. 1648-1653. IEEE, (2017)A Data Mining Model To Predict Breast Cancer Using Improved Feature Selection Method On Real Time Data., , , и . ICACCI, стр. 2437-2440. IEEE, (2018)A Hopfield Neural Network Approach for Authentication of Password Based on Fuzzy Logic., , и . ICACCI, стр. 2471-2474. IEEE, (2018)A Fully Automated Approach to Extract Landcover Features from Landsat Imageries., и . IGARSS, стр. 6669-6672. IEEE, (2021)