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Proof Length and the Paris‐Harrington Principle (abstract). Oberwolfach Report, 14 (4): 3129–3130 (2017)Patterns of resemblance and Bachmann-Howard fixed points. Selecta Mathematica, 28 (1): article no. 19, 32 pp (2021)On the logical strength of the better quasi order with three elements. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376 (9): 6709–6727 (2023)Computable aspects of the Bachmann-Howard principle. Journal of Mathematical Logic, 20 (2): article no. 2050006, 26 pp (2019)Proof lengths for instances of the Paris-Harrington principle. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 168 (7): 1361-1382 (2017)A note on ordinal exponentiation and derivatives of normal functions. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 66 (3): 326-335 (2020)Ackermann and Goodstein go functorial, , , и . Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 313 (2): 251-291 (2021)Dilators and the reverse mathematics zoo. arXiv preprint,, (2024)More conservativity for weak Kőnig's lemma, и . arXiv preprint,, (2024)The logical strength of minimal bad arrays, , и . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, (to appear)