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Other publications of authors with the same name

How much (a)symmetry in Europe?: Evidence from industrial sectors, , , and . European Economic Review, 39 (5): 1017--1041 (May 1995)Monetary policy transmission, interest rate rules and inflation targeting in three transition countries, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 29 (1): 183--201 (January 2005)Capital markets, financial intermediaries, and liquidity supply, and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 22 (9): 1157--1180 (September 1998)A cointegration analysis of the relatonship between bank reserves, deposits and loans : The case of Italy, 1965-1987, , and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 14 (1): 199--214 (March 1990)Central banks and seigniorage: A study of three economies in transition, , and . European Economic Review, 40 (3-5): 629--643 (April 1996)Investor risk aversion and financial fragility in emerging economies, and . Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions and Money, 11 (3-4): 443--474 (00 2001)