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Effective Routing and Scheduling Strategies for Fault-Tolerant Time-Sensitive Networking., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (6): 11008-11020 (марта 2024)Internet Topology: Discovery and Policy Impact: Part I., , и . The Internet as a Large-Scale Complex System, Oxford University Press, (2005)Meeting SLOs in cross-platform NFV., , , , , и . CoNEXT, стр. 509-523. ACM, (2020)Understanding Lifecycle Management Complexity of Datacenter Topologies., , , и . NSDI, стр. 235-254. USENIX Association, (2019)Structural Damage Detection Using Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks., , и . ISIC, стр. 322-327. IEEE, (2005)The Continuous Media File System., , и . USENIX Summer, USENIX Association, (1992)Scrooge: A Cost-Effective Deep Learning Inference System., , и . SoCC, стр. 624-638. ACM, (2021)Quadrant: a cloud-deployable NF virtualization platform., , , , , и . SoCC, стр. 493-509. ACM, (2022)Context adaptive thresholding and entropy coding for very low complexity JPEG transcoding., , , , и . ICASSP, стр. 1392-1396. IEEE, (2016)Competitive Location in the L1 and LINF Metrics., и . WG, том 314 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 70-83. Springer, (1987)