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Well-being over time in Britain and the USA, и . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (7-8): 1359--1386 (июля 2004)Labour supply, contract theory and unions, и . Working paper series / Institute for Fiscal Studies London, (1993)Latent Entrepreneurship across Nations, , и . European Economic Review, (2001)Introduction. European Economic Review, 32 (2-3): 695--697 (марта 1988)Altruism, jealousy and the theory of optimal non-linear taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 20 (1): 77--87 (февраля 1983)International wage curves, и . Working paper National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambrigde, Mass., (1992)Satisfaction and comparison income, и . Journal of Public Economics, 61 (3): 359--381 (сентября 1996)Estimating a wage curve for Britain 1973 - 1990, и . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)Entrepreneurship, happiness and supernormal returns, и . Working paper National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1992)Wages, profits and rent-sharing, , и . Working paper National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1992)