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The PI-Controller for infinite dimensional linear systems in Banach state spaces., , , and . ACC, page 3095-3100. IEEE, (2009)On the admissibility of control operators for perturbed semigroups and application to time-delay systems., , , and . CDC, page 3400-3405. IEEE, (2009)Parameter estimation of biological phenomena modeled by S-systems: An Extended Kalman filter approach., , , , and . CDC/ECC, page 4424-4429. IEEE, (2011)Enhanced prediction accuracy of fuzzy models using multiscale estimation., and . CDC, page 5170-5175. IEEE, (2004)A measurement based approach for linear circuit modeling and design., , , , and . CDC, page 3821-3826. IEEE, (2012)Adapting the direction of the search vector for direct adaptive continuous-time nonlinear systems.. CDC, page 2890-2895. IEEE, (2003)Stable auto-tuning of adaptive fuzzy/neural controllers for nonlinear discrete-time systems., and . IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 12 (1): 70-83 (2004)Reduced KPCA based Ensemble Learning Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Grid-Connected PV Systems., , , , and . SSD, page 841-845. IEEE, (2022)Enhanced data-driven Damage Detection for Structural Health Monitoring Systems., , , , and . ATSIP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)EWMA Kernel Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Fault Detection of Chemical Processes., , , , and . ATSIP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)