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Disk Drive I/O Commands and Write Blocking., , и . IFIP Int. Conf. Digital Forensics, том 242 из IFIP, стр. 163-177. Springer, (2007)FAIRness in digital forensics datasets' metadata - and how to improve it., , и . Forensic Sci. Int. Digit. Investig., (2024)Dataset construction challenges for digital forensics., и . Digit. Investig., (2021)Using program decomposition to guide modifications., и . ICSM, стр. 265-269. IEEE, (1988)A Strategy for Testing Metadata Based Deleted File Recovery Tools.. ICDF2C, том 88 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 104-114. Springer, (2011)Application of the pointer state subgraph to static program slicing., и . J. Syst. Softw., 40 (1): 17-27 (1998)Using Program Slicing in Software Maintenance, и . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 17 (8): 751--761 (1991)Issues with imaging drives containing faulty sectors., и . Digit. Investig., 4 (Supplement): 13-15 (2007)The Contribution of Tool Testing to the Challenge of Responding to an IT Adversary (Keynote).. IMF, том P-97 из LNI, стр. 6-13. GI, (2006)Load balancing from a Unix shell., и . LCN, стр. 181-183. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)