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Multicast congestion control (invited talk).. Networked Group Communication, page 69. ACM, (2000)netmap: A Novel Framework for Fast Packet I/O.. USENIX ATC, page 101-112. USENIX Association, (2012)ETSI STF 428 - Accelerating Deployment of Interoperable Electronic Signatures in Europe., , , , , and . ISSE, page 271-281. Springer, (2012)A Survey of Fast Packet I/O Technologies for Network Function Virtualization., , and . ISC Workshops, volume 10524 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 579-590. Springer, (2017)Transparent acceleration of software packet forwarding using netmap., , and . INFOCOM, page 2471-2479. IEEE, (2012)BPFHV: Adaptive Network Paravirtualization for Continuous Cloud Provider Evolution., , and . ANCS, page 1-7. IEEE, (2019)VALE, a switched ethernet for virtual machines., and . CoNEXT, page 61-72. ACM, (2012)Flexible virtual machine networking using netmap passthrough., , and . LANMAN, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Breaking the Lab's Walls: Tele-Laboratories at the University of Pisa., , , , and . ICRA, page 1903-1908. IEEE, (2001)An Embedded Network Simulator to Support Network Protocols' Development.. Computer Performance Evaluation, volume 1245 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 97-107. Springer, (1997)