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Context-driven dynamic Risk Management for maritime domain awareness., , , and . SSCI, page 1-8. IEEE, (2016)Risk management with hard-soft data fusion in maritime domain awareness., , , , and . CISDA, page 1-8. IEEE, (2014)Agent-based control for a dynamically reconfigurable mobile robotic structure., , and . ROSE, page 24-29. IEEE, (2004)Prediction of Container Damage Insurance Claims for Optimized Maritime Port Operations., , , and . Canadian AI, volume 10832 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 265-271. Springer, (2018)Big-data-enabled modelling and optimization of granular speed-based vessel schedule recovery problem., , , , , and . IEEE BigData, page 1786-1794. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)A proactive risk-aware robotic sensor network for Critical Infrastructure Protection., , , , , and . CIVEMSA, page 132-137. IEEE, (2013)High-Level Information Fusion in a Mission Planning Context., , , , and . CIVEMSA, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Behavioral learning of vessel types with fuzzy-rough decision trees., , and . FUSION, page 1-8. IEEE, (2014)An online shadowed clustering algorithm applied to risk visualization in Territorial Security., , and . CISDA, page 1-8. IEEE, (2012)A mixed framework to support heterogeneous collection asset scheduling., , , , , and . GECCO (Companion), page 1606-1614. ACM, (2019)