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The Effect of Predictability on Subjective Duration, and . PLoS ONE, 2 (11): e1264+ (Nov 28, 2007)Plenary talks: A vibrotactile sensory substitution device for the deaf and profoundly hearing impaired.. HAPTICS, IEEE, (2014)Time and the Brain: How Subjective Time Relates to Neural Time, , , , , and . The Journal of Neuroscience, 25 (45): 10369--10371 (November 2005)A vibrotactile sensory substitution device for the deaf and profoundly hearing impaired., and . HAPTICS, page 1. IEEE, (2014)Does Time Really Slow Down during a Frightening Event?, , and . PLoS ONE, 2 (12): e1295+ (Dec 12, 2007)Is subjective duration a signature of coding efficiency?, and . Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 364 (1525): 1841--1851 (Jul 12, 2009)Using Time Perception to Measure Fitness for Duty. Military Psychology, 21 (1 supp 1): 123--129 (2009)Cerebellar glomeruli: Does limited extracellular calcium implement a sparse encoding strategy?, , , and . Proceedings of the 8 th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, 11, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA, Institute for Neural Computation, (July 2001)Motion Integration and Postdiction in Visual Awareness, and . Science, 287 (5460): 2036-2038 (2000)