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A New Accelerated RC4 Scheme Using Ültra Gridsec" and "HIMAN" and use this Scheme to Secure "HIMAN" Data., и . IAS, стр. 617-622. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Securing IP-Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) against Anomalous Message Exploits by Using Machine Learning Algorithms., , , и . ITNG, стр. 559-563. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)OTP-Based Two-Factor Authentication Using Mobile Phones., , и . ITNG, стр. 327-331. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Consistent and Complete Access Control Policies in Use Cases., и . UML, том 2863 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 373-387. Springer, (2003)Broadcast Authentication for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Nested Hashing and the Chinese Remainder Theorem., , , и . Sensors, 10 (9): 8683-8695 (2010)Analyzing Information Flow Control Policies in Requirements Engineering., и . POLICY, стр. 193-196. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Acceptance and Applications of Smart Cards Technology in University Settings., и . DASC, стр. 746-748. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)NMACA Approach Used to Build a Secure Message Authentication Code., , , и . FGIT-SecTech/DRBC, том 122 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 290-298. Springer, (2010)Data Confidentiality and Integrity Issues and Role of Information Security Management Standard, Policies and Practices - An Empirical Study of Telecommunication Industry in Pakistan., , , , , и . FGIT-SecTech/DRBC, том 122 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 47-56. Springer, (2010)Bio-inspired Hybrid Face Recognition System for Small Sample Size and Large Dataset., , и . IIH-MSP, стр. 384-388. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)