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Hybrid transmission schemes for grouped users in cellular systems., , and . IWCMC, page 561-566. IEEE, (2012)On Capacity and Bounds for the Gaussian CZIC and CBZIC with Linear Coded Approximation., , , , , , and . EW, VDE-Verlag, (2013)Iterative Slepian-Wolf Decoding and FEC Decoding for Compress-and-Forward Systems., , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2012)Closed-form Approximation for the Trade-Off between Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency in the Uplink of Cellular Network., , and . EW, VDE-Verlag, (2011)Spectrum Utilization Efficiency Analysis in Cognitive Radio Networks., , and . EW, VDE-Verlag, (2013)On the Ergodic Capacity of the Wideband MIMO Channel., , and . VTC Spring, IEEE, (2009)Energy efficiency of amplify-and-forward, repetition coding and parallel coding in short range communications., , , and . TSP, page 212-216. IEEE, (2012)On the Energy Efficiency of Hybrid Relaying Schemes in the Two-Way Relay Channel., , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2012)Energy Efficiency Analysis of Idealized Coordinated Multi-Point Communication System., , and . VTC Spring, page 1-5. IEEE, (2011)Uplink capacity of variable-density cellular system with distributed users and fading., , and . PIMRC, page 1-5. IEEE, (2008)