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Did You Say U2 or YouTube?: Inferring Implicit Transcripts from Voice Search Logs., , и . WWW, стр. 1215-1224. ACM, (2016)When does text prediction benefit from additional context? An exploration of contextual signals for chat and email messages., , , , , и . NAACL-HLT (Industry Papers), стр. 1-9. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Central-Rank-Based Collection Selection in Uncooperative Distributed Information Retrieval.. ECIR, том 4425 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 160-172. Springer, (2007)LambdaMerge: merging the results of query reformulations., , , и . WSDM, стр. 795-804. ACM, (2011)Evaluating User Actions as a Proxy for Email Significance., , , , , и . WWW, стр. 26-36. ACM, (2019)Updating collection representations for federated search., , и . SIGIR, стр. 511-518. ACM, (2007)Fighting search engine amnesia: reranking repeated results., , , и . SIGIR, стр. 273-282. ACM, (2013)Learning to personalize query auto-completion.. SIGIR, стр. 103-112. ACM, (2013)Capturing collection size for distributed non-cooperative retrieval., , , и . SIGIR, стр. 316-323. ACM, (2006)Using query logs to establish vocabularies in distributed information retrieval, , , и . Information Processing & Management, 43 (1): 169--180 (января 2007)