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Identification of errors-in-variables ARX models using modified dynamic iterative PCA., , и . J. Frankl. Inst., 359 (13): 7069-7090 (2022)Reconstruction of causal graphs for multivariate processes in the presence of missing data., и . CoDIT, стр. 389-394. IEEE, (2017)A Novel Causality Method for Reconstruction of Process Topology in Multivariable LTI Dynamical Systems., и . SICE, стр. 199-204. IEEE, (2019)Integrated Set-Point Learning for Iterative Learning Control., и . SICE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Effects of Clustering Feature Vectors on Bus Travel Time Prediction: A Case Study., , и . COMSNETS, стр. 741-746. IEEE, (2021)Detection of P-wave Onset in Seismic Signals using Wavelet Packet Transform., , и . SICE, стр. 1513-1518. IEEE, (2019)Inferring Direct Causality from Noisy Data using Convergent Cross Mapping., и . SICE, стр. 1523-1528. IEEE, (2019)Identification of Errors-in-Variables ARX Models Using Modified Dynamic Iterative PCA., , и . CoRR, (2020)Discovering adaptation-capable biological network structures using control-theoretic approaches., , и . PLoS Comput. Biol., (2022)Enhancing Crop Yield Prediction Skill through Multi-Stage Clustered Prediction: A Novel Approach for Spatiotemporal Data., , , и . ICMLT, стр. 245-250. ACM, (2024)