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Inferring Users' Preferences from Crowdsourced Pairwise Comparisons: A Matrix Completion Approach.

, , , and . HCOMP, page 207-215. AAAI, (2013)

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Restricted Strip Covering and the Sensor Cover Problem, , , , and . CoRR, (2006)The role of game theory in human computation systems., and . KDD Workshop on Human Computation, page 58-61. ACM, (2009)Crowdclustering with Sparse Pairwise Labels: A Matrix Completion Approach., , , and . HCOMP@AAAI, volume WS-12-08 of AAAI Technical Report, AAAI Press, (2012)Designing incentives for online question and answer forums., , and . EC, page 129-138. ACM, (2009)Inferring Users' Preferences from Crowdsourced Pairwise Comparisons: A Matrix Completion Approach., , , and . HCOMP, page 207-215. AAAI, (2013)Semi-Crowdsourced Clustering: Generalizing Crowd Labeling by Robust Distance Metric Learning., , , , and . NIPS, page 1781-1789. (2012)An Economically-Principled Generative Model of AS Graph Connectivity., , , and . INFOCOM, page 2941-2945. IEEE, (2009)Designing incentives for online question-and-answer forums., , and . Games Econ. Behav., (2014)Efficient Crowdsourcing With Stochastic Production., and . AAAI Spring Symposium: Wisdom of the Crowd, volume SS-12-06 of AAAI Technical Report, AAAI, (2012)Restricted strip covering and the sensor cover problem., , , , and . SODA, page 1056-1063. SIAM, (2007)