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Digital Inclusion and the Affordable Care Act: Public Libraries, Politics, Policy, and Enrollment in Öbamacare".

, , , and . Public Libr. Q., 34 (1): 1-22 (2015)

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The policy challenges of universally usable e-government., , , , and . DG.O, page 365-366. Digital Government Research Center, (2011)Delivering e-government services through innovative partnerships: public libraries, government agencies, and community organizations., , , , and . DG.O, page 126-134. ACM, (2012)The AT Effect: How Disability Affects the Perceived Social Acceptability of Head-Mounted Display Use., , , , and . CHI, page 4884-4895. ACM, (2016)Developing multi-method, iterative, and user-centered evaluation strategies for digital libraries: Functionality, usability, and accessibility., , , and . ASIST, volume 42 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., Wiley, (2005)Human dimensions of peer review in information science., , and . ASIST, volume 54 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 645-646. Wiley, (2017)Information outsiders of the 21st century: Access and implications for information behavior research., , , , , and . ASIST, volume 50 of Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., page 1-5. Wiley, (2013)Responsibility Rolls Down: Public Libraries and the Social and Policy Obligations of Ensuring Access to E-government and Government Information, and . Public Library Quarterly, 30 (2): 91--116 (April 2011)Identifying the security risks associated with governmental use of cloud computing., , and . Gov. Inf. Q., 27 (3): 245-253 (2010)Reconciling government documents and e-government: Government information in policy, librarianship, and education., , , , and . Gov. Inf. Q., 26 (3): 433-436 (2009)Crowd-sourcing transparency: ICTs, social media, and government transparency initiatives., , and . DG.O, page 51-58. Digital Government Research Center, (2010)