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A Multiple-Criteria Ensemble Weight Strategy to Increase the Effectiveness of Deep Learning-based Fault Localization., и . DSA, стр. 585-586. IEEE, (2023)Reliability Prediction and Assessment of Fielded Software Based on Multiple Change-Point Models., и . PRDC, стр. 379-386. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Design and Analysis of a Fully Non-blocking Quantum Switch., , и . ICICIC (2), стр. 421-424. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Optimal Software Release Policy Based on Cost and Reliability with Testing Efficiency., , и . COMPSAC, стр. 468-473. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Queueing-Theory-Based Models for Software Reliability Analysis and Management., и . IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput., 5 (4): 540-550 (2017)Queueing-Based Simulation for Software Reliability Analysis., и . IEEE Access, (2022)Comparison of weighted grey relational analysis for software effort estimation., и . Softw. Qual. J., 19 (1): 165-200 (2011)Design and Analysis of Cost-Cognizant Test Case Prioritization Using Genetic Algorithm with Test History., , , и . COMPSAC, стр. 413-418. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A dynamical redirection approach to enhancing Mobile IP with fault tolerance in cellular systems., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 646-650. IEEE, (2002)Software Reliability Analysis by Considering Fault Dependency and Debugging Time Lag., и . IEEE Trans. Reliab., 55 (3): 436-450 (2006)