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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Considerations in Workload Characterization for Parallel Access Volumes., und . Int. CMG Conference, Computer Measurement Group, (2009)Performance Benefits of Parallelism in Cached DASD Controllers.. Int. CMG Conference, Seite 123-140. Computer Measurement Group, (1989)Performance Evaluation of a Single Node with General Arrivals and Service., und . ASMTA, Volume 6751 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 85-98. Springer, (2011)Efficient Approximation for Models of Multiprogramming with Shared Domains., und . SIGMETRICS, Seite 186-194. ACM, (1984)A Note on the Determination of the Processing Capacity in a Multiserver Job System as a Model of Cloud Datacenters., und . CloudCom, Seite 49-52. IEEE, (2022)Note sur les temps de service résiduels dans les systèmes type M/G/c, und . CoRR, (2008)Gestion Optimale d'un Ordinateur Multiprogramme à Mémoire Virtuelle., , , und . Optimization Techniques, Volume 4 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 132-143. Springer, (1973)A Study of a Mechanism for Controlling Multiprogrammed Memory in an Interacitve System., und . Performance, Seite 487-500. North-Holland, (1979)A Study of Systems with Multiple Operating Levels, Probabilistic Thresholds and Hysteresis., , , und . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 29 (4): 748-757 (2018)Exploring Landmark Placement Strategies for Self-Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , und . PIMRC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2007)