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Automatic Cross Validation of Multiple Specifications: A Case Study., , и . FASE, том 6013 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 233-247. Springer, (2010)Debugging reactive programming with reactive inspector., и . ICSE (Companion Volume), стр. 728-730. ACM, (2016)Enclave-Based Secure Programming with JE., , , и . SecDev, стр. 71-78. IEEE, (2021)Change Is the Only Constant: Dynamic Updates for Workflows., , и . ICSE, стр. 350-362. ACM, (2022)Programming language support to context-aware adaptation: a case-study with Erlang., , и . SEAMS, стр. 59-68. ACM, (2010)Lattice based modularization of static analyses., , , , , и . ISSTA/ECOOP Workshops, стр. 113-118. ACM, (2018)The PIPr Dataset of Public Infrastructure as Code Programs., , и . MSR, стр. 498-503. ACM, (2024)Unleashing the Giants: Enabling Advanced Testing for Infrastructure as Code., , и . ICSE Companion, стр. 300-301. ACM, (2024)The uphill journey of FaaS in the open-source community., и . J. Syst. Softw., (апреля 2023)Language Support for Secure Software Development with Enclaves., , , и . CSF, стр. 1-16. IEEE, (2021)