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Gene flow and species delimitation, и . Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24 (7): 386--393 (2009)SIMCOAL 2.0: a program to simulate genomic diversity over large recombining regions in a subdivided population with a complex history., и . Bioinform., 20 (15): 2485-2487 (2004)Long-Distance Dispersal Shaped Patterns of Human Genetic Diversity in Eurasia, , , , , , и . Molecular Biology and Evolution, 33 (4): 946-958 (2016)On the accumulation of deleterious mutations during range expansions, , , и . (2013)cite arxiv:1306.1652.ABCtoolbox: a versatile toolkit for approximate Bayesian computations, , , и . BMC Bioinformatics, 11 (1): 116 (2010)Hierarchical Bayesian model of population structure reveals convergent adaptation to high altitude in human populations, , , и . (2014)cite arxiv:1402.4348.Principal Component Analysis under Population Genetic Models of Range Expansion and Admixture, , , , , и . Mol Biol Evol, (2010)Bayesian Estimation of Recent Migration Rates After a Spatial Expansion, , , , , и . Genetics, 170 (1): 409--417 (мая 2005)Statistical evaluation of alternative models of human evolution, , , , , , и . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, (31.10.2007)The hidden side of invasions: massive introgression by local genes, , , и . Evolution, 62 (8): 1908-1920 (2008)