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Low complexity QRD-M algorithm based on LR-aided decoding for MIMO-OFDM systems., и . PIMRC, стр. 299-303. IEEE, (2010)Data Integrity Assessment Method Based on Data Dependence., , , и . CISP-BMEI, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2018)Analysis of Petri net models using transitive matrix., и . SMC, стр. 3122-3127. IEEE, (2000)Self-similarity Based Lightweight Intrusion Detection Method for Cloud Computing., , , и . ACIIDS (2), том 6592 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 353-362. Springer, (2011)To solve the problems of combat mission predictions based on multi-instance genetic fuzzy systems., , , , и . J. Supercomput., 78 (12): 14626-14647 (2022)Hurst Parameter Based Anomaly Detection for Intrusion Detection System., , , , и . CIT, стр. 234-240. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Enhanced Lattice-Reduction aided detection for MIMO systems with QRD-M detector., , и . IEICE Electron. Express, 8 (10): 767-772 (2011)Multi-Stage data envelopment analysis congestion model., и . Operational Research, 13 (3): 399-413 (2013)The Data Integrity Error Repair Method for Filling Missing Values with External Data., , и . CISP-BMEI, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2019)Benchmark optimization and attribute identification for improvement of container terminals., и . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 201 (2): 568-580 (2010)