Author of the publication

A Guided Tour of the Fibonacci System.

, , , , and . SEBD, page 371-394. Editrice Esculapio Progetto Leonardo, via U. Terracini, 30, 40131 Bologna, (1994)

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Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues., , and . DBPL, page 10. Springer, (1995)A Guided Tour of the Fibonacci System., , , , and . SEBD, page 371-394. Editrice Esculapio Progetto Leonardo, via U. Terracini, 30, 40131 Bologna, (1994)Realizzazione del linguaggio Fibonacci., and . SEBD, page 267-279. Mediterranean Press (via S. Pellico, 13 - Tel. 0984-465645 - 87030 Rende (CS)), (1993)A Guided Tour of the Fibonacci System: Taste of Time., , , , and . SEBD, volume 3478 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 7-10., (2023)