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A frequency adaptive single-phase phase-locked loop with harmonic rejection., , , and . IECON, page 1028-1033. IEEE, (2014)Recognizing Human Activities from Smartphone Sensor Signals., and . ACM Multimedia, page 865-868. ACM, (2014)On automatizing recognition of multiple human activities using ultrasonic sensor grid., , , , , , and . COMSNETS, page 488-491. IEEE, (2017)Low-resource Low-footprint Wake-word Detection using Knowledge Distillation., , , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 3739-3743. ISCA, (2022)Building a Prototype VANET Testbed to Explore Communication Dynamics in Highly Mobile Environments., , , , , , , and . TRIDENTCOM, volume 177 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 81-90. Springer, (2016)High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Cell Samples Using Fusion of Decisions from Deep Convolutional Networks., , , , , , , and . CVPR Workshops, page 828-833. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Online Centralized Coordination of Charging and Phase Switching of PEVs in Unbalanced LV Networks With High PV Penetrations., and . IEEE Syst. J., 15 (1): 1015-1025 (2021)Exploring Markov models for the allocation of resources for proactive handover in a mobile environment., , , , and . LCN Workshops, page 855-861. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Multi-Robot Path Planning for Comprehensive Area Coverage in Complex Environments., , and . MMAR, page 562-567. IEEE, (2024)HumanSense: a framework for collective human activity identification using heterogeneous sensor grid in multi-inhabitant smart environments., , , , and . Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 26 (3): 521-540 (2022)