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Missing Data, Imputation, and the Bootstrap. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89 (426): 463--475 (1994)Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, и . Statistical Science, 11 (3): 189--212 (1996)R. A. Fisher in the 21st Century. Statistical Science, 13 (2): 95--114 (1998)The science of Bradley Efron : selected papers, , и . Springer, New York, (2008)The Jackknife, the bootstrap and other resampling plans. Regional Conference Series in applied mathematics Society for Industrial and applied mathematics, Philadelphia, Pa., (1982)Least angle regression, , , и . The Annals of Statistics, 32 (2): 407--499 (2004)Stein's Paradox in Statistics, и . Scientific American, 236 (5): 119--127 (мая 1977)Bayes' Theorem in the 21st Century. Science, (июня 2013)Estimating the number of unseen species: How many words did Shakespeare know?, и . Biometrika, 63 (3): 435-447 (1976)Comments on ``bootstrapping time series models''. Econometric Reviews, 15 (2): 159--164 (1996)