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Extending OpenMP SIMD Support for Target Specific Code and Application to ARM SVE., , , и . IWOMP, том 10468 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 62-74. Springer, (2017)XcalableMP implementation and performance of NAS Parallel Benchmarks., , , и . PGAS, стр. 11. ACM, (2010)OpenMPD: A Directive-Based Data Parallel Language Extension for Distributed Memory Systems., , и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 121-128. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)GPU/CPU Work Sharing with Parallel Language XcalableMP-dev for Parallelized Accelerated Computing., , , , и . ICPP Workshops, стр. 97-106. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Preliminary Performance Evaluation of Application Kernels Using ARM SVE with Multiple Vector Lengths., , , , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 677-684. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)OpenMP Task Generation for Batched Kernel APIs., , и . IWOMP, том 11718 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 262-273. Springer, (2019)OpenMP Extension for Explicit Task Allocation on NUMA Architecture., , , и . IWOMP, том 9903 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 89-101. (2016)An Extension of XcalableMP PGAS Lanaguage for Multi-node GPU Clusters., , , , и . Euro-Par Workshops (1), том 7155 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 429-439. Springer, (2011)Implementation of XcalableMP Device Acceleration Extention with OpenCL., , , , и . IPDPS Workshops, стр. 2394-2403. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Reliable Software Distributed Shared Memory Using Page Migration., и . ICPADS, стр. 456-463. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)