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Backtesting for risk-based regulatory capital, и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 28 (8): 1845--1865 (августа 2004)The effects of liquidity constraints on consumption Estimation from household panel data, , и . European Economic Review, 33 (2-3): 547--555 (марта 1989)Bounding quantiles in sample selection models, и . Economics Letters, 61 (1): 29--35 (01.10.1998)Extending the Scope of Robust Quadratic Optimization., , , и . INFORMS J. Comput., 34 (1): 211-226 (2022)The Econometric Analysis of Agent-Based Models in Finance: An Application., , и . IDEAL, том 4881 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1081-1091. Springer, (2007)Testing affine term structure models in case of transaction costs, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 126 (1): 201--232 (мая 2005)Common factors in international bond returns, , и . Journal of International Money and Finance, 22 (5): 629--656 (октября 2003)Consumption, leisure and earnings-related liquidity constraints : A note, , и . Economics Letters, 27 (1): 101--104 (1988)Life cycle consumption models with uncertainty within periods. Economics Letters, 57 (1): 1--4 (28.11.1997)An analysis of housing expenditure using semiparametric models and panel data, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 101 (1): 71--107 (марта 2001)