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Concurrent and resettable zero-knowledge in poly-loalgorithm rounds., и . STOC, стр. 560-569. ACM, (2001)Integrating Generations with Advanced Reference Counting Garbage Collectors., и . CC, том 2622 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 185-199. Springer, (2003)New Algorithms for SIMD Alignment., , и . CC, том 4420 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-15. Springer, (2007)Using Prefetching to Improve Reference-Counting Garbage Collectors., и . CC, том 4420 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 48-63. Springer, (2007)A persistent lock-free queue for non-volatile memory., , , и . PPoPP, стр. 28-40. ACM, (2018)Quantifying Knowledge Complexity, и . FOCS, стр. 59-68. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)An Efficient Noninteractive Zero-Knowledge Proof System for NP with General Assumptions., и . J. Cryptol., 11 (1): 1-27 (1998)Mostly concurrent garbage collection revisited., , и . OOPSLA, стр. 255-268. ACM, (2003)Responsive Round Complexity and Concurrent Zero-Knowledge., , и . ASIACRYPT, том 2248 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 422-441. Springer, (2001)A generational on-the-fly garbage collector for Java., , и . PLDI, стр. 274-284. ACM, (2000)