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Stochastic localization + Stieltjes barrier = tight bound for log-Sobolev., und . STOC, Seite 1122-1129. ACM, (2018)The Random Projection Method. DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science DIMACS/AMS, (2004)Effective Principal Component Analysis.. SISAP, Volume 7404 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 1-7. Springer, (2012)Simulated Annealing in Convex Bodies and an 0*(n4) Volume Algorithm., und . FOCS, Seite 650-659. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Logconcave Functions: Geometry and Efficient Sampling Algorithms, und . FOCS, Seite 640-649. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Latent Semantic Indexing: A Probabilistic Analysis., , , und . PODS, Seite 159-168. ACM Press, (1998)Approximating Multicast Congestion., und . ISAAC, Volume 1741 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 367-372. Springer, (1999)Cortical Learning via Prediction., und . COLT, Volume 40 von JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, Seite 1402-1422., (2015)Complexity of learning subspace juntas and ICA., und . ACSSC, Seite 320-324. IEEE, (2013)A discriminative framework for clustering via similarity functions., , und . STOC, Seite 671-680. ACM, (2008)