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Approximate analysis of a simultaneous resource possession problem., and . ICCC, page 199-206. International Council for Computer Communication / Elsevier, (1988)Performance Comparison of I/0 Access Disciplines for Transaction-Processing Systems., and . Comput. J., 25 (1): 74-83 (1982)Finite and Infinite Source Interactions.. Performance, page 345-359. North-Holland, (1984)A Case Study of an Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm., , , , and . Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 7 (1): 23-49 (1990)Sizing a Message Store Subject to Blocking Criteria., and . Performance, page 547-564. North-Holland, (1979)Blocking in a Completely Shared Resource Environment with State Dependent Resource and Residency Requirements.. INFOCOM, page 2224-2232. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)