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Diversity DBA Technique for Fairly Handling Various Types of EPON ONU., , , и . ICC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2011)Smart FiWi Networks: Challenges and Solutions for QoS and Green Communications., , , , , и . IEEE Intell. Syst., 28 (2): 86-91 (2013)First demonstration of a wavelength swept discovery process for λ-tunable WDM/TDM-PON system., , , , , , , , , и . OFC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2014)First λ-tunable dynamic load-balancing operation enhanced by 3-msec bidirectional hitless tuning on symmetric 40-Gbit/s WDM/TDM-PON., , , , , , , , и . OFC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Wide dynamic range burst-mode reception of symmetrically clipped DCO-OFDM using optical domain power equalizer., , , , и . ECOC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2014)Demonstration of timer-based ONU deep sleep for emergency communication during power failure., , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 2413-2417. IEEE, (2013)Operator perspective on next-generation optical access for high-speed mobile backhaul.. OFC/NFOEC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2013)Real-time batch processing at a GPU-based edge with a passive optical network., , , , и . J. Opt. Commun. Netw., 15 (7): 404-414 (июля 2023)Ultra Compact Athermal 400G-FR4 Silicon Photonics Receiver with Polarization Diversity., , , , , , , и . OFC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2022)First system demonstration of hitless λ-tuning sequence for dynamic wavelength allocation in WDM/TDM-PON., , , , , , , , и . OFC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2014)