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An efficient vision transformer for Alzheimer's disease classification using magnetic resonance images., , и . Biomed. Signal Process. Control., (2025)Disparity interpolation for image synthesis., и . Pattern Recognit. Lett., 21 (2): 201-210 (2000)Toward Unifying Text Segmentation and Long Document Summarization., , , , и . EMNLP, стр. 106-118. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)C-MORE: Pretraining to Answer Open-Domain Questions by Consulting Millions of References., , , , , и . ACL (2), стр. 371-377. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2022)VLSI implementation of a realtime wavelet video coder., , , , , , , , , и . CICC, стр. 543-546. IEEE, (2000)Root locus analysis of Dahlin controller., и . ISIC, стр. 517-522. IEEE, (2004)Commute UX: Telephone Dialog System for Location-based Services., , , , и . SIGdial, стр. 87-94. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2007)An Enhanced Location-Data Differential Privacy Protection Method Based on Filter., , и . SGIoT, том 447 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 117-127. Springer, (2021)An End-to-end Approach to Learning Semantic Frames with Feedforward Neural Network., , и . SRW@HLT-NAACL, стр. 1-7. The Association for Computational Linguistics, (2016)Adaptive Sleep Scheduling for Energy-efficient Movement-predicted Wireless Communication., и . ICNP, стр. 391-400. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)