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A distributed wardrop control algorithm for load balancing in smart grids., , , и . MED, стр. 761-767. IEEE, (2017)Electric vehicle trip planning integrating range constraints and charging facilities., , , , и . MED, стр. 472-479. IEEE, (2015)Optimal fully electric vehicle load balancing with an ADMM algorithm in Smartgrids., , и . MED, стр. 119-124. IEEE, (2013)Regulation of angular speed and reactive power for a wind turbine applying robust feedback linearization and H∞ control., , и . MED, стр. 1316-1321. IEEE, (2013)A Model Based RL Admission Control Algorithm for Next Generation Networks., , и . ICN, стр. 191-196. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Optimal Stochastic Control of Energy Storage System Based on Pontryagin Minimum Principle for Flattening PEV Fast Charging in a Service Area., , и . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., (2022)On-board stochastic control of Electric Vehicle recharging., , и . CDC, стр. 5710-5715. IEEE, (2013)When Lawvere Meets Peirce: An Equational Presentation of Boolean Hyperdoctrines., , и . MFCS, том 306 из LIPIcs, стр. 30:1-30:19. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2024)Backus FP Revisited: A Parallel Perspective on Modern Multicores., и . PARCO, том 36 из Advances in Parallel Computing, стр. 465-474. IOS Press, (2019)Diagrammatic Algebra of First Order Logic., , , и . LICS, стр. 16:1-16:15. ACM, (2024)