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Biologically-Inspired Deceptive Behavior for a Robot., and . SAB, volume 7426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 401-411. Springer, (2012)Human-like action segmentation for option learning., and . RO-MAN, page 455-460. IEEE, (2011)Other-Oriented Robot Deception: How Can a Robot's Deceptive Feedback Help Humans in HRI?, and . ICSR, volume 9979 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 222-232. (2016)An intervening ethical governor for a robot mediator in patient-caregiver relationship: Implementation and evaluation., , and . ICRA, page 2936-2942. IEEE, (2017)The benefits of robot deception in search and rescue: Computational approach for deceptive action selection via case-based reasoning., and . SSRR, page 1-8. IEEE, (2015)Learning Tasks and Skills Together From a Human Teacher., , , and . AAAI, page 1868-1869. AAAI Press, (2011)Dance dance Pleo: developing a low-cost learning robotic dance therapy aid., , , , and . IDC, page 149-152. ACM, (2011)The influence of a peripheral social robot on self-disclosure., , and . RO-MAN, page 1063-1070. IEEE, (2016)A Taxonomy of Robot Deception and Its Benefits in HRI., and . SMC, page 2328-2335. IEEE, (2013)Other-oriented robot deception: A computational approach for deceptive action generation to benefit the mark., and . ROBIO, page 528-535. IEEE, (2014)