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Grammatical Evolution, и . IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 5 (4): 349--358 (августа 2001)Automatic Generation of High Level Functions using Evolutionary Algorithms, и . Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Soft Computing Applied to Software Enineering, стр. 21--29. University of Limerick, Ireland, Limerick University Press, (12-14 April 1999)An investigation of the mutation operator using different representations in Grammatical Evolution, , , и . 2nd International Symposium Ädvances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications", 2, стр. 409--419. Wisla, Poland, (октября 2007)Constant Creation in Grammatical Evolution, , и . International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications, 1 (1): 23--38 (2007)A Grammatical Genetic Programming Representation for Radial Basis Function Networks, , и . Engineering Evolutionary Intelligent Systems, том 82 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2007)GP-Beagle: A Benchmarking Problem Repository for the Genetic Programming Community, , , , и . Late Breaking Papers at the 2000 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, стр. 90--97. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, (8 July 2000)How to do Anything With Grammars, и . GECCO 2002: Proceedings of the Bird of a Feather Workshops, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, стр. 116--119. New York, AAAI, (8 July 2002)A Fine-Grained View of GP Locality with Binary Decision Diagrams as Ant Phenotypes., , и . PPSN (1), том 6238 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 164-173. Springer, (2010)Evolutionary Computation Applied to Sound Synthesis., , и . The Art of Artificial Evolution, стр. 81-101. Springer, (2008)Simulating the Strategic Adaptation of Organizations Using OrgSwarm., , , , и . Handbook of Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications, Chapman and Hall/CRC, (2005)