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Generative Data Representations to Improve Free-Text Answers in Online Qualitative Surveys.

, , and ., page 67-72. IEEE, (2023)

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Generative Data Representations to Improve Free-Text Answers in Online Qualitative Surveys., , and ., page 67-72. IEEE, (2023)Cyclist Route Assessment Using Machine Learning., , and . ISD, Instituto Superior Técnico / Association for Information Systems, (2023)Streamlining Literature Reviews Using an Automatic and Flexible Data Gathering and Classification Platform., , and . ISD, Instituto Superior Técnico / Association for Information Systems, (2023)Photo Based Volunteered Geographic Information Initiatives: A Comparative Study of their Suitability for Helping Quality Control of Corine Land Cover., and . Int. J. Agric. Environ. Inf. Syst., 5 (3): 73-89 (2014)A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Container License Plate Detection Using Multi-frame Analysis., , and . IDEAL (2), volume 15347 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 3-14. Springer, (2024)Vessel Voyage Trajectory Extrapolation: Comparing the Performance of Kalman Filters., , and ., page 96-100. IEEE, (2023)Three-Part Genetic Algorithm to Optimize the Outbound Train Loading Process Using a Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem Approach., , and . IDEAL (2), volume 15347 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 120-131. Springer, (2024)A Detailed Analysis on the Use of General-purpose Vision Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation., , and . GeoAI@SIGSPATIAL, page 20-29. ACM, (2023)Flickr Geotagged and Publicly Available Photos: Preliminary Study of Its Adequacy for Helping Quality Control of Corine Land Cover., and . ICCSA (4), volume 7974 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 205-220. Springer, (2013)Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery with W-Net Models., , , , and . EPIA (2), volume 11805 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 486-498. Springer, (2019)