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An ART-type network approach for video object detection., , , и . ESANN, (2010)Vehicle Overtaking Hazard Detection over Onboard Cameras Using Deep Convolutional Networks., , , , , и . SOCO, том 531 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 330-339. Springer, (2022)Applying Bio-inspired Techniques to the p-Median Problem., и . IWANN, том 3512 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 67-74. Springer, (2005)A Recurrent Neural Network for Channel Assignment Problems in Mobiles., , и . IBERAMIA, том 6433 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 406-412. Springer, (2010)Selecting the Color Space for Self-Organizing Map Based Foreground Detection in Video., , , , и . Neural Processing Letters, 43 (2): 345-361 (2016)Robust self-organization with M-estimators., , и . Neurocomputing, (2015)Spam Detection Based on a Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map., , , и . ICIC (2), том 5755 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 30-37. Springer, (2009)Image compression based on growing hierarchical Self-Organizing Maps., и . IJCNN, стр. 1624-1628. IEEE, (2011)Hierarchical Self-Organizing Networks for Multispectral Data Visualization., , , и . IWANN (2), том 7903 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 449-457. Springer, (2013)A Self-organizing Map for Traffic Flow Monitoring., , , , и . IWANN (2), том 7903 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 458-466. Springer, (2013)