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Effects of the competitor on antibody-hapten binding in immunoassays., , и . J Immunoassay Immunochem, 23 (1): 69--83 (2002)Nanoparticle assemblies as memristors, , , , , , , , и . Nano letters, 9 (6): 2229--2233 (2009)The Coevolution of Parochial Altruism and War, и . Science, 318 (5850): 636--640 (2007)Evaluation of force pain thresholds to ensure collision safety in worker-robot collaborative operations., , , , , и . Frontiers Robotics AI, (2024)Recurrence patterns after maximal surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy in anaplastic gliomas according to the new 2016 WHO classification, , , , , , и . Sci Rep, 8 (1): 777-777 (января 2018)Interdisciplinary management of an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas, , , , , и . Cancer Control, 15 (4): 322-333 (октября 2008)Phase restoration in synthetic aperture radar imaging., и . ICASSP, стр. 2965-2968. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Theories and Practices of Translation and Interpretation in Korea - Preface. Meta, (2006)The Co-evolution of love and hate, и . Cultural Diversity versus Economic Solidarity, (2004)Lifted Relational Kalman Filtering, , и . IJCAI, стр. 2092-2099. (2011)