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An Audio Frequency Unfolding Framework for Ultra-Low Sampling Rate Sensors., , , and . ISQED, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Anomaly Detection for Lung CT Images Using SVDD-AE., , , , and . GCCE, page 734-735. IEEE, (2022)Next Generation Federated Learning for Edge Devices: An Overview., , , , , , , , , and . CIC, page 10-15. IEEE, (2022)Programmable Millimeter-Wave MIMO Radios with Real-Time Baseband Processing., , , and . WiNTECH, page 17-24. ACM, (2023)SPEAR: Software-defined Python-Enhanced RFSoC for Wideband Radio Applications., , and . MobiCom, page 1834-1841. ACM, (2024)Decreasing end-effector deformation of the flexible manipulator through local motion planning., , and . APCCAS, page 750-753. IEEE, (2008)Nonlinear dynamics analysis of involute spur gear transmission system., , , , , and . AIAM (ACM), page 2360-2364. ACM, (2021)An overview of high utility itemsets mining methods based on intelligent optimization algorithms., , , , and . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 64 (11): 2945-2984 (2022)FedSwap: A Federated Learning based 5G Decentralized Dynamic Spectrum Access System., , , , , and . ICCAD, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Mambas: Maneuvering Analog Multi-User Beamforming using an Array of Subarrays in mmWave Networks., , and . MobiCom, page 694-708. ACM, (2024)