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Multiprogrammation of parallel applications on the PAROS operating system kernel.

, , , and . PDP, page 474-480. IEEE, (1993)

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New Analysis Techniques in the CEPBA-Tools Environment.. Parallel Tools Workshop, page 125-143. Springer, (2009)Performance on Distributed Memory Multicomputers of Domain Decomposition Solvers., , , and . PPSC, page 391-392. SIAM, (1995)Hybrid Parallel Programming with MPI/StarSs., , , , and . PARCO, volume 22 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 621-628. IOS Press, (2011)Kernel-level Scheduling for the Nano-threads Programming Model., , , , , and . International Conference on Supercomputing, page 337-344. ACM, (1998)The trade-off between implicit and explicit data distribution in shared-memory programming paradigms., , , , and . ICS, page 23-37. ACM, (2001)GTS: Extracting Full Parallelism Out of DO Loops., and . PARLE (2), volume 366 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 43-54. Springer, (1989)Balanced Loop Partitioning Using GTS., , , , and . LCPC, volume 589 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 298-312. Springer, (1991)Performance Analysis of Domain Decomposition Applications Using Unbalanced Strategies in Grid Environments., , , and . GCC, volume 3795 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1031-1042. Springer, (2005)On the Scalability of Tracing Mechanisms., , and . Euro-Par, volume 2400 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 97-104. Springer, (2002)Multiple Target Task Sharing Support for the OpenMP Accelerator Model., , , , and . IWOMP, volume 9903 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 268-280. (2016)